- Kevin Banks - Faculty of Law, Queen’s University
- Editor in Chief
- David Doorey - School of Human Resource Management, York University
- Articles Editor
- Jeffrey Sack of the Ontario Bar
- Associate Editors
- Brian Burkett of the Ontario Bar
- Associate Editors
- Renee-Claude Drouin - Faculte de droit, Universite de Montreal
- Québec Editor
- Boris Bohuslawsky of the Ontario Bar
- Managing Editor
- Chair - Hon. Warren Winkler
- Former Chief Justice of Ontario
- Professor Roy Adams
- McMaster University
- Hon. Marie-France Bich
- Court of Appeal of Quebec
- Professor Keith Ewing
- King’s College, London
- Professor Matthew Finkin
- University of Illinois
- Hon. Sheila Greckol
- Alberta Court of Appeal
- Dr. Patricia Hughes
- Law Foundation of Ontario
- Professor Ronald McCallum
- University of Sydney
- Professor Alan Neal
- University of Warwick
- Professor Jean Sexton
- Laval University
- Mr. Kenneth Swan
- Mediator and Arbitrator
- Hon. Katherine Swinton
- Ontario Superior Court of Justice
- Professor Paul Weiler
- Harvard University (Emeritus)
- Professor Manfred Weiss
- J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt
- Aimee McCurdy
- Senior Student Editors
- Leo Ghiran
- Senior Student Editors
- Aidan Wilson
- Student Editors
- Aidan Testa
- Student Editors
- Julia Cohen
- Student Editors
- Leran Oirik
- Student Editors
- Mikaela Norkus
- Student Editors
- Charlotte Forde
- Student Editors
- Dora Tamas
- Student Editors
Faculty of Law, Queen’s University