Kevin Banks - Faculty of Law, Queen’s University
Editor in Chief
David Doorey - School of Human Resource Management, York University
Articles Editor
Jeffrey Sack of the Ontario Bar
Associate Editors
Brian Burkett of the Ontario Bar
Associate Editors
Renee-Claude Drouin - Faculte de droit, Universite de Montreal
Québec Editor
Boris Bohuslawsky of the Ontario Bar
Managing Editor


Chair - Hon. Warren Winkler
Former Chief Justice of Ontario
Professor Roy Adams
McMaster University
Hon. Marie-France Bich
Court of Appeal of Quebec
Professor Keith Ewing
King’s College, London
Professor Matthew Finkin
University of Illinois
Hon. Sheila Greckol
Alberta Court of Appeal
Dr. Patricia Hughes
Law Foundation of Ontario
Professor Ronald McCallum
University of Sydney
Professor Alan Neal
University of Warwick
Professor Jean Sexton
Laval University
Mr. Kenneth Swan
Mediator and Arbitrator
Hon. Katherine Swinton
Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Professor Paul Weiler
Harvard University (Emeritus)
Professor Manfred Weiss
J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt


Aimee McCurdy
Senior Student Editors
Leo Ghiran
Senior Student Editors
Aidan Wilson
Student Editors
Aidan Testa
Student Editors
Julia Cohen
Student Editors
Leran Oirik
Student Editors
Mikaela Norkus
Student Editors
Charlotte Forde
Student Editors
Dora Tamas
Student Editors

Faculty of Law, Queen’s University